Tuesday, December 21, 2010


The world may have become a meaner place to live in, but then there are still kind hearted people who deeply believe in the virtue of doing charity. Ronald and Meryl Gallatin are among the ones who regularly visit the poor nooks and corners of Israel and help the needy and poor.

Ronald is a retired attorney, a CPA and a former managing director at Lehman Brothers. His wife has been continuously working for charity and social deeds. But then it is heartening to see such people, highly qualified and prolific millionaires doing such self less service.

Over the years the couple has managed to generate a massive donation of about $4 million from friends and also about $2 million of their own money. They even assure donors that the entire sum donated is going to charity.

More and more people are now interested in looking into such matters when on their trips to Israel. The awareness has simply increased ten folds in them. Bar mitzvah boys and bat mitzvah girls come along with their parents to tour projects. This is to teach them the values of social responsibility.

Young couples and religious leaders are all coming to the nation to do social service and help the people. Arnie Draiman, a travel guide also deeply believes in this and helps tourists as such as the Gallatins in their quest for charity and helping the poor.

The attraction of Draiman’s tours is the word "tzedakah" which means an ancient Hebrew phrase “righteousness," "charity" and "justice."

FLIP Project in Gibraltar encourages students to face social responsibility by actively participating in charity projects and working for community development.